Hey hey, Mickey! Face it you didn’t read that, you sang it.” Oh, Mickey, you’re so fine, you’re so fine you blow my mind. I was put on this earth to do two things. Yes, I’m stubborn strong willed and can be a pain in the ass but I have a heart of gold!.”
It’s about being with a person who makes you happy in a way nobody else can.” Love is not about sex, going on fancy dates, or showing off. Sometimes I wish I could disappear, and watch to see who noticed I was gone…” Its called called respect if you were raised in this way then share this on your friends and family.” I will hold the door open for other behind me and say excuse me should I need to pass I love people for who they are, not what I can get from them and most importantly, I was raised to treat people exactly how I would like to be treated by other. Say yes sir and no sir and help others when they need me to not stand on the sidelines and watch. I let another person have my seat if they need it. “I was raised to show respect wasn’t dragged up, I was taught to knock before lopen a door, say hello when enter a room say please, say thank you and show respect to my elders. “I hate it when you have to be nice to someone you really want to throw a brick at. It’s just that some people abuse the privilege. Everyone around me needs to control their habit of pissing me off. “I actually don’t need to control my anger.